Drysuits, Sidemount & Photos

Our team likes to dive dry, most all of the time!  


Wonderful dry suits exist and we are happy to provide our insights, recommend retailers that will help you purchase a suit for your needs and then we can train you or refer you to a professional we know will take care of you.  Do not consider this a do it yourself learning experience.  Adding a large volume of buoyancy to your body is not without challenges.  Learn right the first time and do not take unnecessary risks.  Training is the difference, think it through.


Sidemount and alternative configurations is another favorite topic.  Again, trust someone with experience and real teaching focus to guide you.  Our sidemount courses range from demos to full 3 day instruction.  We have an affinity for the Dive Rite Nomad, but also have experience with several other manufacturer products.  Most important is fit and trim to the individual diver, rarely do these systems come off the shelf ready.  Custom fitting and training is required.


Do you take photos?  Do you want to?  Learn how to get the buoyancy right and yourself to be safe and successful.  We will work with you to think about the details, there is more to taking UW photos than jumping in with a new camera.  Our resources run deep and we have several friends in the industry that can help coach you on after dive imaging, corrections and lighting.  Many of our adventures have a dedicated photographer along to coach and capture your experience.

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